HVCC Staff

HVCC Staff

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do new businesses last?

This is a quote from Dan Miller's book "48 days to the work you love":

"According to Dun and Bradstreet census of 250,000 businesses, almost 70% of all firms that start in any given year are still around in some form 10 years later. The study pinpointed the true failure rate at less than 1% of all businesses per year."

I'd never heard those stats before. Very interesting! Of course, I love starting things. I bought a book on how to write business plans just because I'm so interested in that kind of thing.

By the way, this curriculum was really good! We all learned a lot. If you want to take the course at either Hidden Valley location, we'll be relaunching those groups in September.

1 comment:

  1. hey Brian thought I'd post a comment on your new blog - I attend at RC BTW - I spend a fair amount of time in the blogosphere, but in a different venue. Probably not germane to your stuff, but here's a link to my blog http://www.willowtreetrading.blogspot.com/
    Concerning today's post I have to say I thoroughly enjoy my job in all its facets, that's a true blessing
