HVCC Staff

HVCC Staff

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hiring secrets from a genius

As I mentioned earlier, I love Jack Welch's book "Winning". His section on hiring is the best I've ever read. Here are some of the highlights...

The first test: Integrity
The second test: Intelligence
The third test: Maturity

Not too earth-shattering so far, but then he said some other things. At their company, he looks for the 4-E's and the 1-P.

E - Positive Energy: This is the ability to go and thrive on action. They relish change

E - Energize others: They get other people revved up! This takes knowledge and persuasive ability

E - Edge: This is the ability to make the tough yes/no decisions of leadership

E - Execute: The ability to get the job done

P - Passion: These people just LOVE to do the work

Great stuff! I learned a long time ago that you should ONLY hire "get it done" kinds of people. You throw in the ability to energize others and passion and you will really have something.

There's more, but I'm tired of typing. I'll give you the rest later.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you've posted what you are reading about. I think this would be not only a way to make sure you really read as much as you say you do ;), but also to learn about what books you are reading. This would be a great resource for you to encourge others to read. As they see something that they are interested they may be more likely to pick up the book themselves. Maybe even post comments about what they are learning.
