HVCC Staff

HVCC Staff

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why do advertisers hate men?

Can anyone explain to me why advertisers hate men? Why does "Progressive" continually portray men as wimpy, mousy, soggy push-overs? Now American TV has a new commercial with the same thing. The dad is a total idiot, but thank God for the brilliant wife and kids. What's the deal? Are we intentionally trying to destroy the image of what it means to be a man? Just a question...

1 comment:

  1. Nothing against women, they are a blessing in our lives... But I think that the base of this is in the feminist movement. Women were once "oppressed", so role reversal would be the compensatory step to make things "right."

    Look at it this way... everytime society tries to compensate for an injustice, it seems to be done through over-compensation. I don't know for sure why... Fear of not compensating enough??

    So when the perceived wrongs of years gone by, were sought to be righted, this is just one more way that it has been taken too far.

    Why has it not been corrected? Perhaps out of the fear of being seen as trying to regress into the past.
